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Schnittmuster.Net's difficulty level for beginners and advanced users I'm often asked, "Which pattern can I sew as a beginner?"
Every manufacturer of patterns has their own idea of what the implementation of sewing knowledge and skills requires. From very easy to easy, Start 1, 2, 3, super easy to learn to sew. Medium is widespread but used for many different techniques, some of which I find quite challenging to implement.
For example, manufacturers often say "super easy" for patterns with seam-concealed zippers at Schnittmuster.Net, but such patterns generally end up at level 8 or higher, because I don't find the processing easy.
I have introduced my own system with 10 levels of difficulty, which build on one another, so that you, especially as a sewing beginner, can find your way better.
You can use the levels to select patterns with techniques that you already know, practice or want to learn.
You can also click here to display patterns with the corresponding level.