In the basket you can choose from the following free gifts, provided that the value of items in your basket matches the required value.

1 BH-Verschluss 2 Haken, 6 Augen aprikose zum Annähen For orders from 20,00 € and more

1 BH-Verschluss 2 Haken, 6 Augen marineblau zum Annähen For orders from 25,00 € and more

Knöpfe aus Naturmaterial Steinnuss hell 15mm For orders from 35,00 € and more

Knöpfe aus Naturmaterial Buchsbaum helles Holz 14mm For orders from 35,00 € and more

D-Ring 30mm For orders from 39,00 € and more

Loop 30mm For orders from 39,00 € and more

Eine kleine Kurzware als Überraschungsgeschenk For orders from 40,00 € and more

Plastik-Schieber 30mm For orders from 49,00 € and more

Kindertragetasche aus Cretonne ca. 22x28cm For orders from 50,00 € and more

Eine Ausgabe einer Nähzeitschrift als Überraschungsgeschenk For orders from 50,00 € and more

Jeans-Reissverschluss in rot 10 cm For orders from 50,00 € and more

Vlieseline 0,5m Bügeleinlage H 180 schwarz für Jacken, Kragen, Manschetten For orders from 55,00 € and more

Vlieseline 0,5m Bügeleinlage H 180 weiß für Jacken, Kragen, Manschetten For orders from 55,00 € and more

Spring Hook rotatable 30mm For orders from 59,00 € and more

Quick-release Buckle 30mm For orders from 59,00 € and more

eBook PDF mein Lieblingsschnitt 1000 Retrolook Capejäckchen Gr. 32-44 For orders from 65,00 € and more

eBook PDF mein Lieblingsschnitt 1000 Retrolook Capejäckchen Gr. 44-54 For orders from 65,00 € and more

Zackenlitze zum verzieren, weiß, ca. 0,8cm breit. 3m-Karte For orders from 69,00 € and more

Vlieseline SB-Pack Formband weiss 12mm breit, 5m For orders from 85,00 € and more

Farbenmix Stylefix-Patches zum Nähen & Sticken, für Applikationen For orders from 120,00 € and more